Teen Style Tuesday – Yay Sports!


Hey sports fans! So I wanted to briefly talk about competitive sports today. I have been taking swim lessons since I was 3 years old and on a competitive team since I was 8; but it wasn’t until this year that I actually started to enjoy and understand the value of swim, or better yet, team sports. I love my days off sitting on the couch, eating ice cream and watching The Office but during the season, I’m all focus. Having a dedication to the other members of my team makes the cold pool, 5 am practices, and clean eating, worth it. Not to mention how much better I feel when I’m exercising on the reg. I have so many girlfriends that complain about their bodies and it makes me super sad. Some of them play sports but don’t really take it seriously and then don’t see results or feel any better. I feel like playing a sport especially in school builds so many great qualities for you. It’s working out, doing homework (school sports count for a letter grade), and friendship building-  wrapped into one. I have met a ton of people from my swim team and it’s awesome. The confidence I have gained in my swimming has even grown. And knowing there are 50 other people that are supporting and cheering me on is a great self-esteem booster. I love being a part of a team and showing my school pride on meet days. Just a little slice of how I feel about team sports 😉 Hope you have a great rest of the week!


Back blocks

Tay body


swimsuit : Dolphin

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