Hey guys! Welcome back! I can’t believe the summer is gone and we’re now headed into the fall! My summer was amazing but because I was without internet connection for most of it I’ll be playing summer catch up and recapping in the upcoming weeks! Homecoming was last weekend and I had a great time! The day of the Homecoming football game, everyone dresses in our school colors and we wear our mums! I didn’t know what a mum was until last year, but apparently it’s a huge Texas tradition so this is my second one! It was even bigger then my one from freshman year and the bear on it is a swimmer! Lol, it’s adorable. We also had a homecoming parade through the neighborhood near my school. Swim float represent!
My dress was sparkly, of course and I had to get a lot of it custom tailored to add more jewels! I absolutely love all of the primping that goes into looking my best for special occasions. I had my nails done in the morning and then spent the remainder of the afternoon at the salon where they did my hair and makeup. I choose a hair do from Pinterest and was a little nervous about the stylist being able to do it but she knocked it out of the park! My hair and make up was perfect! A huge ‘Thank you’ to Atrium Salon and Spa! I hope you guys are having a great start to the school year, my classes are tough but I’m studying hard! Have a great week!

dress – Custom Design
shoes – Call It Spring!