Happy Holiday! I hope your Easter weekend was amazing! Mine was probably the best Easter since I’ve been in Texas cuz my partner in life, my BFF, my soulmate, Maddie was in town!! Her spring break was the week after mine so Maddie came back to Houston with my Mom and I after my spring break in AZ! Talk about 2 weeks of absolute freaking fun. So a little bit on Maddie, this girl is a flipping genius. She goes to this super smart kid school in AZ which affords her little to no time for fun, she’s always studying 🙁 So when her Dad said she could spend her vacation with me, I loaded her stuff up as fast as I could and we got our butts to Houston! It was Maddie’s first time in H-town so of course, we went right to the rodeo! We saw Keith Urban! Yee haw! After that, a week of shopping, meeting my friends and some late night shenanigans ended Sunday with Easter. Maddie’s flight wasn’t until the evening so she had Easter brunch with my parents and I. We snapped these pics in our Easter dresses looking straight up awesome. She’s my ride or die.

On Me
dress – Francesca’s
shoes – Call it Spring
On Maddie
dress – Francesca’s
shoes – Francesca’s